An Integral Component of Ayurveda: A Time-honored Treatment Method Embraced by Ancient Healers from India, China, Tibet, Egypt, the Middle East, Greece, and Rome for Thousands of Years
Aromatherapy, often termed as the gentle art of healing, stands as a distinct branch of complementary medicine, utilizing essential oils to promote health, bolster immunity, aid in the treatment of various ailments, and foster a balanced state of mind and body.
Within the healing spectrum, essential oils, when combined with carrier oils, are employed in a variety of applications including massages, compresses, baths, inhalations, as well as vaginal and rectal suppositories. In certain instances, under the meticulous supervision of a qualified doctor-aromatologist, they may be administered orally.
A consultation session aimed at harnessing essential oils to enhance health quality spans between 45 to 60 minutes, priced at €50.
Essential oils are known for bolstering our immunity and psychoimmunity. When applied to the skin, the oil molecules penetrate through the follicles, making their way into the skin and capillary blood circulation. Subsequently, they travel to muscles and joints via capillaries, then enter the lymph and bloodstream, dispersing throughout the body.
Upon inhalation, the aromatic molecules initially contact the nasal mucous membrane, providing local relief—especially beneficial in addressing sinus inflammation and upper respiratory tract issues. Thereafter, they circulate through the capillaries across the body, crucially activating the limbic system, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus, which are intrinsically linked to deeply embedded experiences, memories, emotions, and sexual reactions. This is why aromatherapy finds its use in psychotherapy and hypnosis, acting as a trigger for memory recall.
Aromatherapy is a core component of Ayurveda, boasting a rich history of therapeutic use by ancient healers across India, China, Tibet, Egypt, and the Middle East, as well as by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
In the Middle Ages, it served as a preventive measure against infections, particularly during the menacing times of plague.
Throughout World War I and II, aromatherapy was utilized for treating burns, blisters, infections, and gangrene in soldiers and the wounded, owing to the antiseptic properties of all essential oils.
A notable resurgence of aromatherapy occurred 35 years ago when Prince Charles advocated for its inclusion in the British healthcare system. Since then, it has been embraced by a myriad of healthcare professionals including doctors, physiotherapists, masseurs, caregivers, and beauticians, among others. In Croatia, the profession of Aromatherapist is acknowledged as part of formal education and is recognized in official employment records, setting it apart from other natural treatment methodologies.
The term "Aromatherapy" was coined by Rene Maurice Gattefosse in 1928, representing the therapeutic application of aromatic or essential oils.
In the contemporary realm, essential oils find applications across medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, agriculture, tourism, cosmetics, psychotherapy, and more.
Essential or ethereal oils are natural, concentrated extracts derived from aromatic plants (comprising flowers, leaves, stems, barks, roots, resins, bulbs, seeds, fruits) acquired through extraction, distillation, or other isolation methods. Composed of volatile organic chemical compounds (such as alcohols, terpenes, ketones, phenols, aldehydes, oxides, ethers, esters, lactones, coumarins, and furocoumarins), they exhibit antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory, probiotic, mucolytic, carminative, regenerative, antipyretic, analgesic, psycho-stabilizing, and various other medicinal properties.
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