Transpersonal Psychology,

Natural Medicine, Healing

Art, Spirituality

Conny Petö Đeneš - Harmony


Ancient Indian Science of Life

Ayurveda, often referred to as the mother of medicine, is an ancient healing system that has been practiced in India for over 6,000 years. Historians contend that it stands as the oldest system of treatment and healthcare globally. The term Ayurveda derives from Sanskrit, with 'Ayur' translating to life and 'Veda' to knowledge, collectively signifying 'knowledge of life.' It epitomizes the inaugural science of life and healing.

The World Health Organization accorded recognition to Ayurveda as a scientific system of medicine in 1970. In contemporary India, the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) acknowledges five distinct types of medicine. Natural medicine practitioners undergo training akin to that of classical medicine doctors, post which they augment their expertise through traditional natural methodologies.

Ayurvedic Counseling

Ayurvedic Consultation on Health, Nutrition, and Remedies is conducted by Conny Peto Đeneš, a qualified Ayurvedic Consultant and Jyotish-Ayurvedic Healer. The consultation is tailored based on an individual’s Prakriti (body constitution), Vikriti (dosha imbalance), and blood group.

Duration: A 60-minute discussion, inclusive of questionnaire completion.

Price: €80.

Prakriti (Physical Constitution):

Each person's psychosomatic temperament or physical constitution (Prakriti) is ascertained by the interplay of the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) at the time of conception, which is when the embryo takes form. This constitution is genetically determined and remains unaltered throughout life. Ayurveda identifies seven fundamental constitutions: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha, Kapha-Vata, and Vata-Pitta-Kapha. Every unique constitution possesses its distinct balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, where the equilibrium of these Doshas signifies a natural order.

Vikriti (Dosha Imbalance):

Disease arises when one or more Doshas become imbalanced, leading to altered psychophysiological states within the body. The diagnostic evaluation aims to discern which Doshas are underactive and which are overactive, hence guiding the corrective measures to restore balance.

Pulse Diagnostics

Pulse diagnostics is a revered ancient practice blending art and science to unveil the prevailing state of an individual’s body, mind, and soul. It furnishes insights into the doshas' state, body functions, and the health of the shrota (micro-circulation channels).

The diagnostic is executed with three fingers, each symbolizing one of the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The first finger probes Vata, the second Pitta, and the third Kapha.

Through the superficial pulse, each finger can deduce information concerning each soul. The deep pulse divulges genetic information, elucidating what makes individuals distinct from one another (prakriti).

Every individual's psychosomatic temperament or physical constitution is established by the interplay of the 3 doshas at the moment of conception. The embryo's formation marks the determination of prakriti.

Biannually, since 2013, during spring and autumn, Vaidya Dr. Adwait Tripathi from India visits Poreč to conduct pulse diagnostics and Ayurvedic consultations.

Each examination lasts 45 minutes, encompassing a discussion and a pulse examination.

Examination fee: €100.

Transpersonal Psychology,

Natural Medicine, Healing

Art, Spirituality

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