Transpersonal Psychology,

Natural Medicine, Healing

Art, Spirituality

Conny Petö Đeneš - Harmony


"I recently completed Conny's Transpersonal Angel-Fairy-Mermaid Healing course, and it was truly life-changing. Conny's teachings and meditations opened me up to a new level of spiritual awareness and helped me heal deep emotional wounds. Her knowledge and experience as a healer and teacher are evident in the way she presents the material, and her genuine care and compassion for her students shine through. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their spiritual connection and healing journey."

- Sarah C. USA

"Conny is a gifted healer and teacher, and her Transpersonal Angel-Fairy-Mermaid Healing course was a transformative experience for me. Her meditations and teachings helped me connect with my angels and spirit guides in a profound way, and I have experienced significant healing as a result. Conny's gentle and compassionate approach created a safe and supportive space for me to explore my spirituality and connect with the divine. I am grateful for the guidance and wisdom she shared in this course."

- Mark W. USA

"I am so grateful to be able to write something about Conny as just a small part of what she did for me. First of all, I thank her for all the advice, all the messages, all the lessons, and the time she has set aside for me.

Conny is one gentle person who is full of understanding and simple.

I consider her an indispensable part of my life, whether we cooperate or not.

I first met her in Poreč a few years ago, briefly. In the meantime, my dad died, which was very shocking and difficult for me, so of course, I came to her again.

We worked.

Most important, in all this, is her listening, her understanding, and her comfort.

She has taught me to accept my dad’s death, she has taught me to meditate, to reduce fears and panic, and we are also working on learning how to take care of myself. Briefly, she taught me how to cope with life. Thank you Conny!"

- K.D. Croatia

"Unfortunately, in the environment in which I live, it is somehow taboo to seek professional help, because why would anyone need it? But who really doesn’t?

My encounter and experience with Conny begin at the most difficult time of my life, a period that completely changed me and my life. I can freely say if it wasn’t for Conny I certainly wouldn’t be such a happy, calm, and fulfilled person today. I started very skeptical and mostly because I didn’t see another way out, but I was aware that I need help. Skepticism was soon replaced by great confidence and faith because I saw how much better I felt over time. It’s hard for me to describe all the transformation I experienced, Conny did a miracle. I started to love life, to love myself. Not only me but all the people around me have seen the change in me, that I radiate positivity, that I change myself. I cannot say that the path was easy, neither short nor that it’s complete, but created desire and persistence is much stronger.

I can only say words of praise for Conny; always very professional, unobtrusive yet full of understanding, warmth, and love. No matter my actions or words, I never in any way felt from her side a condemnation, a rude word, or even a glance, but quite the opposite.

What really meant a lot to me was the constant feeling that Conny was dedicated to me, my progress, and my path, and that she wanted me well. She was prepared for every session, she knew exactly what and at which point to say because she knew and understood how I was thinking and how she could reach me with a little word. And most importantly, she taught me that everything I need is right inside. I will be forever grateful to have met such a wonderful person because there are no words I can describe Conny, you need to experience her.

Conny, thank you." <3

- Katarina Devcic Kitrica, Croatia

"What a joy to partner up with Conny!

She is professional, kind, and committed to your progress and your success.

As an International Love Expert, I have had a chance to work with world-class colleagues from different industries… and I must tell you, Conny tops it.

I would always highly recommend her and I believe that the world is becoming more charming, more grounded, kinder, and healthier because of her deep dedication to your inner power. She knows you got it!"

- Helena Summer, Austin, Texas, USA

International Speaker and Love Expert

"I had the pleasure of taking Conny's Transpersonal Angel-Fairy-Mermaid Healing course, and it was an incredible journey of self-discovery and healing. Conny's meditations and teachings helped me release old patterns and beliefs that were holding me back, and I feel more connected to my true self and my spiritual path as a result. Conny's warmth, kindness, and wisdom made this course a truly special experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking spiritual growth and healing."

- Laura M. UK

"I loved the sessions with Conny! Her soft voice, and the dedication she put into each session showed that she really care about me and my well-being. The guided meditation was soothing and relaxing too! If you’re in her area I highly recommend give it a try and meet her in person!"

-Tong Holzinger, Los Angeles, USA

Hair & Beauty Artist, and founder of Tony Brides

"In a life situation where I needed a therapist and a trusted person, Conny Peto Djenes was the right person at the right place at the right time. She is committed to working, professional, experienced, versatile, calm, open, patient, kind, always willing to help, Conny gave me support without which it would be much harder to face and overcome some of life’s challenges. I see every conversation with Conny as useful and interesting, and from time to time as a source of hope, an experience that changes perspective and encourages me to face life’s difficulties."

- F.V. Berlin, Germany

"This course is a must for anyone on a spiritual journey. Meditations and teachings helped me deepen my connection with my angels and spirit guides, and I have experienced significant healing and growth as a result. Conny's expertise as a healer is evident in the way she presents the material, and her compassionate and nurturing approach made this course a truly transformative experience for me. Thank you, Conny!"

- Michael T. Germany

"We are a Dutch-based nongovernmental non-profit organization that has been in eastern Croatia since 1995. I have been president for that entire period.

Ms. Conny Peto Denes has participated successfully in several of our programs, notably the so-called ‘’Core’’ course for workers in non-governmental organizations, which includes 120 hours of basic communications, basic psychology, the latter particularly relating to psychological trauma, civil society, non-violent conflict transformation, and human rights. In addition to the Core program, she participated in a 30 hours program of Neurolinguistic Programming and a 24-hour program of the Alternatives to Violence, a well-known program given by Quakers.

Furthermore, for a number of years, Ms. Denes was the head of BOSINO, a program working with older people. In this regard, I wish to note that programs involving social welfare have large amounts of difficulty operating in this region, as there is little funding available and little assistance and support, including moral support, from the government or, for that matter, anyone else. That Ms. Denes was able and willing to continue to run such a program under such circumstances speaks highly for her.

Ms. Conny Peto Denes also has been involved in other methods of therapy, notably dance, and art."

- Charles David Tauber, MD, Vukovar, Croatia

Head of Mission

Coalition for Work With Psychotrauma and Peace

"After treating my two diagnoses of Lymphoma Non-Hodgin and Chronica Hepatitis C in Germany, I was instructed to continue the treatment via bioresonance. In the organization of “Health Centar Harmony” in Osijek, I found the possibility of continuing therapy with Conny Peto Denes. With her IMEDIS BRT wave-based device for 10 days, I was treated twice a day. I can say that the treatments have helped me a lot in restoring my physical strength and in eliminating fatigue and exhaustion. For me, this type of therapy was a very powerful and gentle type of therapy through vibrations of frequencies acting at the cellular level. After the treatments, my medical results were much better. Conny was also pleased with the end of the treatment. At the end of therapy, she gave me homeopathic remedies to continue the therapy.

- Vojna Kitic, Tuzla, Bosnia

"Transpersonal Angel-Fairy-Mermaid Healing course is a game-changer. Meditations and materials helped me deepen my spiritual connection and heal deep-seated emotional wounds. Conny's authenticity, kindness, and wisdom make her an incredible teacher and person, and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking spiritual growth and healing."

- David L. USA

It is a great joy, and so fulfilling to write a few words of recommendation for Miss Conny Peto Denes. I have known her personally for many years, and am impressed with her intelligence, dedication, and sensitive approach to her alternative lifestyle and work, as well as her personality.

The versatility, comprehensiveness, and depth of her vision for the right way of living, in harmony with nature, are enthusiastic and inspiring.

What I write is not only my personal opinion but also the opinion of all the people I have met who came into contact with Conny for her help.

I am impressed, like many others, with the variety of topics and areas related to spirituality that she has knowledge of and teaches about it, and all that can be seen in her daily life and lifestyle.

- Ljubomir Tomljenovic, Porec, Croatia

Professor of physical education and rehabilitation, Yoga and TM teacher, AtlasProfi

"I met Conny at a time when I broke my arm and went through a difficult period. Despite the great difference in age (as much as 48 years of difference), we became friends very quickly and even became roommates at one point in our lives.

Conny is the granddaughter I never had. With her cheerfulness, optimism, and joy, she always makes my mood better and helps me forget about my age. I even started dancing with her, which I never did before in my life.

I spent my entire life working as a molecular biologist at Institute Rudjer Boskovic (Croatian scientific research center), and have spent many years in Canada doing various research.

Besides my scientific job, I worked as a TM teacher and yoga practitioner. I started to study Jyotish and Ayurveda as a hobby since I retired.

While socializing with Conny, I became impressed with her knowledge, especially about Jyotish and her state of mind, and the tremendous empathy she possesses for all living beings. Although very young, she possesses the wisdom of an old soul and has great life experience. I am happy that she has become a part of my life and that I can talk to her about topics that I find endlessly interesting and cheerful.

If you get stuck somewhere on your life path, in your spiritual growth, contact Conny, she will help you find your own answers."

- Elena Marčenko, PhD in biology, Vukovar, Croatia

"I cannot recommend this course enough. Teachings and meditations helped me connect with my spiritual guides in a way I never thought possible. Conny's gentle and supportive approach created a safe space for me to explore my spirituality and heal emotional wounds. She is a gifted healer and teacher, and I am so grateful for the wisdom and guidance she shared in this course."

- Samantha R. USA

Conny Peto Đeneš… already when I hear that name I feel better, my whole being regenerates. I have known Conny for over 10 years since I had serious health problems. As though Western medicine I was unable to satisfactorily eliminate the problems, I turned to Conny. With a lot of dedication, empathy, gentle and warm approach, she explained to me the deep cause and background of my problems.

Conny is an amazing woman – a professional and very special person. I am deeply impressed with the wealth of knowledge, depth, and personal way of applying knowledge from various fields of alternative medicine and healing.

I heard long ago that someone with love in their heart can help and heal people, and if there is no love then a person needs to be professional, but Conny is gifted with both qualities. She truly has a love and deep respect for every living being – its life path and its choices without prejudice.

Through years of working with Conny, I have become convinced of her expertise, dedication, deep commitment, and skillful way of communication, and that is why I am able to live my potential and capabilities, accept myself fully, and be gentle with myself.

Thank you, my dear Conny, I am deeply grateful that our paths have met.

- Manda Pripunic, MD Croatia

In the period from 1st August 2006. till 30th April 2009. the European House of Vukovar has intensively cooperated with the Prakriti Association and its President, Conny Denes. Collaboration with Conny Denes on projects: Healthy and Happy Woman, Dance Therapy for Women, Ecosana, and Dance for Children, was a great pleasure for the European House.

Conny Denes has extensive and thorough knowledge in various fields of Alternative Medicine. She selflessly shared this knowledge with all her team members.

Thanks to her incredible communication skills, and her great empathy, members of her team, employees of the European House, and her clients and members of the Prakriti Association, consider Connie a good, dear, and special person. She is very attentive and gentle, but also very capable and skilled in realizing her ideas.

In teamwork, while solving coordination problems, she showed a high degree of creativity, initiative, patience, and tact.

In parallel to this work, Conny was also the President and Head of the BOSINO Association (Care for the Elderly and Disabled). She did it voluntarily, with a lot of love, empathy, dedication, and humanity.

Conny’s departure from Vukovar is a huge loss for our city.

We all love Conny a lot and we miss her dearly. She is a very valuable member of our society, who always finds many creative ways to help people.

- Ljiljana Gehrecke, PhD, professor of economy, Vukovar, Croatia
President of the European House of Vukovar

Ms. Conny Denes was employed by “Good Fairy” firm as a universal animator (child animation, dance art, aromatherapist/psychotherapist – leader of anti-stress relaxation workshops,…) based on her past experience and proven abilities during the selection for the animation team, and is one of the prominent animators of The Good Fairy.

Thanks to her knowledge, agility and broad interests, and experience, she greatly facilitated the work of the animation team, that is, the work on the international level of entertainment and relaxation for the complex of the Hotel Resort SOLARIS in Sibenik, Croatia which accommodates over 5000 people.

In addition to organizational and artistic skills, she creates and realizes a good communication strategy – many contacts with people, especially in the international environment, both within the team and among all employees, and of course the guests of the hotel. In performing these tasks she has shown numerous abilities in dealing with people in Croatian, English, and German languages.

She presents her ideas and plans well, using various modern solutions in the field of alternative medicine, psychology, and her rich imagination.

In the end, I can say that I am more than satisfied with the work and moral qualities of Miss Denes, who, while working at Good Fairy, has proved to be a very pleasant and reliable associate always motivated to work and help others. In dealing with new challenges, she is creative, resourceful, and flexible. I also consider her a worthy, responsible, and capable therapist who will surely achieve her professional aspirations.

- Natasa DiVila, Sibenik, Croatia
Head and manager of the animation firm “Good Fairy”

Transpersonal Psychology,

Natural Medicine, Healing

Art, Spirituality

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