Transpersonal Psychology,

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Conny Petö Đeneš - Harmony

Who is Vaidya Dr. Adwait Tripathi?

Vaidya Dr. Adwait Tripathi, a distinguished physician from Noida, near Delhi, India, hails from a prestigious Brahmin family with a rich traditional lineage of Ayurvedic practitioners. His family's heritage in Ayurveda is legendary.

His early years, from age four to ten, were spent under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He received his education as a Vedic student at Maharishi Vidya Mandir School, immersing himself in yoga, meditation, and siddhis. Following this foundation, he pursued formal Ayurvedic education at the College of Ayurveda in Muzzaffarpur, Bihar, from 2002 to 2009.

His great-grandfather, Pandit Lallu Lal Sharma, was a renowned astrologer (jyotishi) and physician (vaidya) during the Bundela Empire era, honored with the titles of Rajya Jyotishi and Vaidya, reflecting the family's enduring legacy in both astrology and Ayurveda. In the 1980s, upon the invitation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji, Dr. Tripathi's grandfather relocated to Maharishi Nagar in Noida. There, he assumed a senior vaidya position, entrusted with significant responsibilities in Ras Shala, the domain of Ayurvedic medicine and rasayana preparation, alongside the legendary Triguna.

Adwait's father vaidya Achyut Kumar Tripathi was given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi the responsibility of administrative officer who organizes camps, teaches vaidyas, teaches Maharishi's Ayurvedic preparations, pulse diagnosis, and had the honor of appointing vaidyas in health centers around the world, so that all vaidyas from India and from other parts of the world, in the period from 1985 to 2000, they were sent for recognition to Adwait's father during his work.

After that, he got the responsibility as an editor writing a book on Triguna's biography, which was inaugurated by the President of India. Today, Adwait's father is one of the 15 vaidyas all over India who have dedicated their lives to the service of Ayurveda, as members of the board of the Rav (Indian state institution for Ayurveda).Adwait Tripathi specializes in Darshan pariskhan, distance healing.

He directs patients to the best ayurvedic treatment for them in the form of dietary recommendations, ayurvedic rasayanas, yoga exercises and pancha karma. He also offers his patients various yagyas for health. Many people from all over the world visit him for pulse diagnostics or to study Ayurveda.

Today, Adwait runs the Arogya Sadnam clinic together with his father in Noida - India, and does a lot of work all over Europe and the whole world. Two to three times a year he comes to Poreč, Croatia, organized by Conny Petö Đeneš.

Adwait with Dr. Triguna

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